Thursday 13 October 2011

"Trends" Witnessed by Generation in 80s & Ist decade of new Millenium

Those in late 40s or early 50s have passed through an "Age" where importance of  Bicycle as one of the main "Vehicle", Indian Post Office being the main "Message Carrier" from one place to another, or to have a Telephone ,Telex at home  be the real sense of pride, receiving or sending a "Telegram" indicated  an urgency or emergency etc etc...  form the facets of one's life. No shopping malls or multiplexes yet youth enjoyed "chahal-pahal of"sadar bazar" or "nukkar" kind of shops or by sitting in a Box or Balcony of a "Cinema Theatre" /Talkies ( Reaching to the Ticket Window after standing in a 'Q" for hours was alike "Victory" in a war).

Hamara "Bajaj" Scooter, Luna/TVS Mopeds, Padmini Premier Fiat, Maruti Omni etc. were in great demand,which all have been replaced or "upgraded" now by Motorbikes, Segmented brands of Car ( Hyndai, Honda, Toyota, Scoda, Audi, WolkesWagon, GM's Nissan, BMW ... .......)in the Wishlist of Society in the Ist decade of  New Millenium.  

In Offices, existence of Electronic Typewriters demonstrated the stature or repute of Organizations. On the "social" front too, the young generation of 80s ( particularly of Middle class or lower Middle class) was more or less conservative, conventional follower of  traditions,customs & of parents, religious by nature,which one may conclude as "negative" aspect or may call it a Society controlled or Parent -controlled generation but  some may praise as "positive" attributes (I may be biased belonging to same Generation).

However, this is the Cohort which has been most benefitted of having Witnessed the Old "golden" period of watching Doordarshan's Krishi Darshan program with same enthusiasm as Watching 200  channels through DTH, or shouting "loudly" on the speakers of Handsets of Telephone for reaching to the near & dear through trunk calls,then came 'Pitroda-Rajeev Gandhi" duo efforts culminated into creation of C-DoT &  commencement of telecom revolution to bring about concept of STD/ISD/PCO booths in India & thereafter with mobile telephony, 3G, Web Chat, I Phone, series of options through social networking for friendhip or socializing beyond your street ,mohalla or city or even country revolutionized everyone & gave a  feeling to the Youth of 80s to be fortunate in their Middle Age  as a "Bystander" to the changing trends of modern Society.

Today's GenNext Professionals spend almost 25% of their professional time abroad by frequent visits,whereas if any member of family visits abroad in late 80s or 90, he will be given an "emotional" send off by Family & relatives at Airport by following traditional rituals before leaving the Motherland. Going to Airport itself used to induce a spark & energy to anyone in 80s.

On Professional front, perhaps transforming from "khat-khat" type of Typewriter to the "self" governed PCs /laptop was partuclarly painful for few of us. I remember when first time "wordstar" based PCs landed in our Office, we all thought that now our Office Typist will have to be trained on this modern version of "Typewriter". But that was a "big" myth & misconcept of many of us.

Today "Top" to "Bottom" string of any Management, it has become essential that all should be PC conversant i.e Knowledge of Modern day.  "Typing skill" ( PC Operation) is one of the must "desired" attribute in any organization. Whether Engineer, Doctor, Architect or Office Secretaries ,all need to be very good "Modern Typist". Ultimately, Generation of 80s learned, transformed, witnessed, became "compatible" to all trend changes in the 1st decade of new Millenium

Finally, One way the young breed of 80s is lucky enough to have blended taste of everything conventional "dialled" life to all hightech- "One click" or  I-Tech or "Touch" tech kind of Trends in  45-50 years of their journey of life.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

"Fast" politics- New trend, courtesy Anna

A good outcome of Annaji's fast was to trigger a new era of "Fast" politics by Politicians. "Fast", Anshans, Satyagrah etc. were forgotten by modern Politiciancs who believed more in "Rally" politics in which "paid" public is mobilized to show the strength of individual leaders or parties.

Upbeat with the success of Annaji's Fast, "Professional" politicians felt the Anna's tool is better than any other forms of political activities to win over People. However, the latest 3 days"Fast" by Narendra Modi in Gujarat failed to impress upon anyone other than his sycophant or BJP circle. Though we have been praising for the developmental agenda he has been pushing for & could achieve as well in Gujarat. Prosperity & progress of Gujarat & upliftment of urban areas particularly Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Rajkot etc. are the examples of good governance in Gujarat.

But Modi's "Sadbhawna Fast" & his speeches in the function exposed him as an arrogant Politician indulged in "self- praise" posing as "self styled" massiah of 6 crores Gujarati. In fact his addresses in the function might have declined his popularity in national arena. Though developments took place in Gujarat but no body can claim that Gujarat is a "zero" corruption state.

The general form of corruption exists in Gujarat alike any part of the country. Anyone can go to RTO office, Property & estate registration office, different "inspectors" from Sales tax to Excise to Police or factory/industry ,will find
same "Indian" style corruption virus everywhere, but somehow covered under the carpet of "development" visible on the ground.

It looked as the Modi's Fast & 3 days conclave should have been propagated as the" Modi-Felicitation" event where "Modi-Chalisa" was chanted. Instead of Sadbhawna Fast, I found it a State supported "Jai ho Modi" show. For attaining Statesmanship of the stature of Indira Gandhi, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel,Lal Bahadur Shastri or BJP's Atal Bihari Vajpayee, these kind of Fast-politics may not help ,rather it would puncture Modi's dream of becoming PM.

Anyway, though "no near" to beat Modi in 'poltics", Shanker Singh Vaghela too tried to perform the tantrum of "Fast" to regain his political "ground". On watching them ( both Modi & Vaghela) both on "Fast", somebody murmured " Kahan Anna aur Kahan ye Nautankibaj". Difference between Anna's fast & Modi-Vaghela fast was Anna's fast was for the People & by the People by Heart, whereas Modi's Fast was to get "personal" mileage to improve upon his prospects for future "PM" & Vaghela sat on "Fast"with the insignificant objectives and no support from National level leaders. Anna's fast was selfless "Fast" for the Country, Modi's act was full with selfish motive pretending to be for the Country,but was for Him only.

Monday 29 August 2011

Anna's Fast ended in positive note but doubt on "sense" of Parliament -Whether it was really "dil se"?

74 years Gandhian & an Honest fighter against Corruption Shri Anna's fast ended after 12 days in a happy note. Our hon'ble PM on August 15 remarked that parliamentry supremacy is imortant & Anna should not go for Fast  as it is not good for Indian democracy. Same PM on August 27 told that People's will passed through/as Parliament will.

Though the "sense" of House passed in Parliament for forwarding to Standing Parliamentary Committee,but as we watched debate in Loksabha, we could not get feeling that its a true "sense" of Parliament.

It looked as if Members of Parliament are under pressure to end Anna's fast 'temporarily' at that moment. I still doubt whether the 3 sticking points will really be deliberated by heart ( dil se) by our Parliamentary representatives. Maybe it will further prolong through series of consultations,meetings, points vs Counterpoints & we may not see the Lokpal Bill through atleast in year 2011. India celeberated "victory" for hearing "in principle" approval of points by Politicians raised by Annaji but question is even Corrupt politicians too would not vouch for "corruption" in their statements irrespective of their acts in reality,hence merely Parliament desk thumping by members would not ensure an effective or strong Lokpal Bill.
I am sure the next time Govt will play around with the slogans like "national consensus" or broad agreement amongst all parties are essential etc.etc. It happened for Women reservation bill too.
Now we have to wait & watch how Lawyer turned Politician & Chairman of Standing Committee Mr Abhishek Manu Singhvi will "technically" examine the 'sense"of Parliament resolution once it reached under his ambit. Looking to the past records, I have my own doubt ( one may call it a cynical view) that the Govt will be able to enact strong Lokpal incorporating essential points raised by Anna team. And we may have to prepare for Annaji's fast in future as well till the TRUE SENSE BY HEART prevails among Parliamentarians.  

Monday 15 August 2011

64 years of Free India,"Swatantra Bharat"- A matured democracy?

Today is August 15,2011,yet another birthday being celebrated for Indian Nation. Year after year,this day comes,we hear patriotic songs,stories on TV channels, go through special issues of Newspaper,magzines narrating inspirational stories about leaders who fought for our freedom from British. We feel proud in pronouncing India as the most matured democracy of the world,but at times,incidents & behaviour of our political class raises doubt on maturity of our democracy & force us to believe in thought that though we got freedom from British,yet we are not free from our own political rulers.During emergency in 1975, 'free' India had to face another struggle for the ceased fundamental rights under Indiraji's regime which ultimately restored with Loknayak JP's"samagra kranti" movement. In general, even with "emotional fool" tag Indian citizens have shown tremendous patience,tolerance barring coarse or crude response/behaviour during Anti Sikh riots,probably the "worst" period or "toughest" test of Democratic India to hold together a diverse Society across India.

In 1992, again Indian state encountered widespread odium amongst Hindu & Muslim brothers & it looked the country will be doomed into civil war & there may not be any solution other than imposing an Emergency.  But once the "emotional" content of brainy Indians diminished, the normalcy prevailed & democratic principles of Indian constitution once again proved to be the noble cause for sovereignty of country. The dawn into new millennium witnessed India entereing into an era of "coaltion" politics,wherein none of national parties is getting Majority to rule the country. The coalition period of our democracy may have been the period of "Corrupt age" when Indian public heard of loot of not lakhs or croes but "thousands of crores" or "hundred of crores"  ( No doubt,it also indicated India's economic progress as well on the postive side). Present Indian Prime Minister acknowledged indirectly the "Corruption" as the outcome of Coalition politics, showing his helplessness, "Coalition" era in Democracy may not be permanent.  Today, our democracy is eagerly waiting for a good National leader with integrity & dedication to lead the nation & make it corrupt free.

On the eve of Anna Hazare's Fast for the Janlokpal, again Indian democracy being tested for resilience & maturity under such conditions. So far, UPA govt acted out of nervousness & is making all efforts to suppress the Anna's movement or aggression,which is the sign of an Immatured & frightened Govt of India under UPA.

 Article 19 ( 1) b of Indian Constitution gives us the right to assemble peacefully and without arms. This right is subject to reasonable restrictions in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India and public order. Anna's movement is not going to affect on India's sovereignity and integrity then why Govt of India is so harsh on him? Rather, UPA should come forward in supporting Anna Hazare & work hand in hand for the cause of corrupt free India. Jan lokpal bill draft of Anna and Govt both could have been published by Govt of India & public comments could have been sought on both the Bills.

In Democracy "Parliament' is supreme only because representatives sitting in Parliament are elected by People & Rule for the People, by the People are fundamentals on which pillars of strong Indian nation had been conceived after independence. The representatives of "Supreme" Parliament should not become "super" Supreme to ignore public voices who elected them to serve the public,not to suppress them,if they protest for any cause.

On 64th Birthday of Free India, while we feel proud of being the national of World's fastest developing nation having sound economic prosperity, scientific & technological prowess attained by our largest pool of human capital, a glorious history of developed civilization, great empires on Indian soil like Mauryan ,Gupta periods etc., but there is a sense of distress among large section of Society witnessing the turn of events on Anna's Fast & an "immature" Govt response,particularly spokesperson of Congress party,talking "rubbishy' or "abusive" language on Anna. They need to be reminded  how an adamant ruler like Indira Gandhi dethroned by Jaiprakash Narayan movement in 1977. Matured democracy has inbuilt principle of great respect, resilience towards the public view & non violent protests have been the part & parcel of public or people's  right to voice their views before Govt.

Let us pray that "God loving" nation India will once again get through ( by the grace of GOD) in the test for degree of Maturity in our democracy on August 16 onwards & great sense of wisdom prevails upon the present days rulers to tackle Anna's movement.

Jai Hind, Jai Akhand Bharat

Tuesday 2 August 2011

"Quasi" sensitive Electronic Media- Sensation or good for Time-pass

Price of an Individual life is less than a video clipping/Av of real scene of "Live death" for the Electronic Media to create "sensation". It was proved incidents after incident ,when Media "raced" to grab the Footage for such "breaking news". It was tragic to watch how a family near Indore got trapped under the wild stream of water & drowned away to heaven,People around the spot were busy in "live shooting" of a "death" video.One survivor of the incident could narrate the heartrending fact that no body bothered to take any initiative to save the family, rather most of them very busy in taking still or running Pics of the tragedy. Whether alongwith our Media, Society too has become so professional or Professional Society does not have courage to act upon during such events requiring valiant efforts to save life of somebody.Another similar dreadful Video footage of a "live murder" at Coimbtore was telecast by most of Media Channels,in which a group of goons were shown beating a person unto death. There were so many people,crowd around but all were silent expectators to the horrible "death show",Media could reach the spot but not to save life but to seize the Opportunity to get a sensational Video for the "BREAKING NEWS" slot.
Controversies, Scandals, Stories outlining humiliation to mankind or abuse of any Individual or evils of Society attract good TRP for any 24 hours News Channel. Quite often we watch insensitive & brazen Media reporting in the name of "real truthful stories"but one question pops up,Are these not attributes of "Yellow Journalism"? Maybe "Yellow journalism" is always good for "Timepass" for Society in leisure periods.Nowadays, most of TV News channels are busy in "discovering" or digging out Corruption stories from any nook. My observations are many a times, any particular corruption story will suddenly vanish out from the same Channel or diluted. Why? One may assume that Media channels might have been "managed" by the affected Individual/Party/Politician. Anchors of TV channels are very vocal in demanding declaration of Audited account statements of Income from any Company or Baba Ramdev or Politician's Wealth/asset time & again. But what about Media houses income & expenditure statements?Media houses should also come forward in declaring source of fund & income receipt details. Example of Southern India is in front of us, where Media channels, TV cable etc. all managed by political parties. A particular News Channel did the so called "probe" of "Cash for Vote" scam live, but before telecasting they did'nt go to Police. What was the motive? Alongwith politicians & their conduits, the concerned News Channel also needs to be investigated that whether the "sting" was carried out for 'commercial" gain or it was part of their "ethical" duty as true Journalist. For example in 2G case or Gas allocation in KG basin, Media has focused completely on Raja, DMK clan, Officials but what about real culprits. Story of KG basin Gas allocation was confined to Former DGH.Why they are unable to target Real Owners of Mega Industrial Corporates?? Anyway, in current scenario,despite of advocacy & proactive Media, as an Individual one may not have complete trust on Media reporting in the competitive & commercial regime of Journalism.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Modern Life cycle- Profession Vs Emotion Vs 'inclusive' Family roles

Ardent-craving for Dream cities in India or Abroad to settle down, Professional "Race" to go ahead of all, achieving higher CTC packages in "shortest" possible period etc.etc. are the topics debated among New generation as well as Middle & Senior Professionals of Modern India. Parents, relatives all feel proud in sharing their joy to whole world by propagating their wards "Job movements" or "settlements" across Metro cities or Abroad far from their native towns & cities.

Though stems of complete "Family Tree “would be dispersed across Miles within India or Abroad in “nucleus” family forms, yet connectivity through Communication channels, Social networking remains intact.

However, sometimes, somewhere in situations like unwell parents or close relatives or friends in trouble, the current age Professionals find themselves in hapless state of not performing their “personal or family” duty of taking care of elderly parents, relatives, and near –dear friends by reaching back to them physically due to official or “in-situ” family commitments, compulsions, and constraints, ultimately pander to routine telephony to members of clan for formal “How are you?? (Despite fully knowing that they are not well), satisfying themselves & concerned relatives or parents of at least being enquired about. Most of Middle or Service Class family settled away from their Origin faces this kind of situation & the nature of response may be by & large similar.

But, recently when I got an opportunity to see through the lives of Factory Workers, Labourers, and Vehicle/Car Drivers, I discovered how they struggle to earn & manage the Family with “limited ambition” or career goal and low income, but still ready to rush to their natives in the event of any eventuality, catastrophic situation in family or even close friends,sacrificing even Wage cut due to unpaid leaves,absentism etc.

Would like to share a true story of a low paid worker, whose sister & her husband died in a road mishap. The moment he heard of the sad news ,immediately left Factory, travelled by different means (No money in the pocket to buy Train or Bus ticket, took loan for all expenses for travel, other logistics) to reach to the Unfortunate site of mishap and after all last rites performed, brought his sister’s son & daughter along with him to take care of them throughout his life as Parents. He has only a 02 room small rented house, where his wife & a son in infancy also live. No matters how much he earns or how does he manage his family & his departed sister’s children, but for him, responsibilities towards an “inclusive” family is more important than confinement only into his own clique. His earning may be about Rs 8000 per month out of which Rs. 2000 per month goes on various loan payments, taken from time to time to meet similar kind of Family related exigencies.

When I told this story to one of my “Professional” friend, he commented that he is an “emotional” fool, ruining his own Family life, there is no need of such act of sacrifice by taking up the responsibility of his sister’s children. He remarked that he should first become financially capable to take up additional burden beyond his own family. Anyway it is different matter that in any case, he cannot attain financial comfort in present “birth” & by Professional advice, he cannot act upon his emotional or warranted conscientiousness in such crisis state of Family affairs.
Nevertheless, his story inspires many of emotional traits, irrespective of any kind of Professionalism or attributes of Individual persona. Maybe in competitive “race” among Professionals, tight work schedules to complete tasks in hand, tension of appraisal to score over peers, a 21ST CENTURY “PROFESSIONAL” fails to act upon or unable to fulfil “larger” family responsibilities in crucial periods & gradually lost or become insensitive to respond or react for any good or bad events.  

Whether professional excellence & prosperity of an Individual or professional dilutes his/her obligations towards broader & all encompassing kind of Family Roles?? Whether there should be perfect balance between performing Professional "Karma" & discharging duty towards broader Family "Dharma"??

Friday 1 July 2011


A Professional gets more contentment to be recognized as a Good Leader with hard earned Respect, admiration from his or her colleagues /associates/subordinates than "money" or 'wealth". One of the attribute of True & motivational Leadership is How a Leader or Professional reacts to the "Success" or "Failure" situation?

An incident usually narrated by Resource persons during many Leadership development programs, which dates back to the period when our Former President Shri APJ Kalam was Project Director for a particular Satellite Launch &
Shri Satish Dhawan was the Head of ISRO. In the first attempt, the Launch was utter failure & as Project Director Shri Kalam was supposed to be present in the Press/Media briefing, but Shri Satish Dhawan, the then Chief of ISRO completely isolated Shri Kalam from Media & himself faced Media taking the complete responsibility of Failure as Chief of ISRO & assured to resurrect the Project.
On the day of failure, Dhawan interacted with Kalam on various issues, but never did the job of "digging out" causes of failure on the nervous moments & during the period of sadness for complete Project team.
After few days, Shri Dhawan again motivated the Team to rejuvenate the Project under Shri Kalam.Again the day of Launch came, this time  Launch was completely successful. Project team was happy, anticipating Shri Dhawan to go to address the Media, but this time Shri Dhawan told Shri Kalam to address the press/media & share the Success of the project & went ahead to attend a meeting in the Ministry. It was a pleasant surprise for the Project team,
having given opportunity to take Credit of the success, but at the Failure time, their Leader was very much there to take the burden on his head alike Lord Shiva.

Thursday 23 June 2011


rajeev waves: DREAM CABINET FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE,LOKPAL-A FUTILE ...: "In Cricket, we often hear about a Dream Indian Team of the decade or century. Similarly, we should dream about a fleet of 'Honest' 'Qualifi..."


In Cricket, we often hear about a Dream Indian Team of the decade or century. Similarly, we should dream about a fleet of "Honest" "Qualified" People to be part of Dream Cabinet to ensure Clean & Corruption free professional governance to the INDIAN republic where there is no place for "Manmohan theory" of Coalition politics  or dharma.

Sometimes, avant-garde or  maybe strange kind of thought sparkles: Why not "Constitution" is  amended to adopt a system,wherein key Clout or Govermental political positions like PM, Home Minister, Finance Minister, Defence Minister are directly elected( rather selected) by Direct voting of People alike Presidential system of USA, irrespective of Party politics or number of Elected representative of any Party ( Majority or minority) in Parliament. Election funding for such directly Electable Goverment functionary could be through Election Commission of India to avoid any "monetary influence"over public.

In present Scenario too, one may visualize Dream Cabinet comprising of Qualified & Honest leaders,having Developmental agenda in their mind.

Perhaps, Nitish Kumar (an Engineer), Dr Raman Singh ( CM of Chattisgarh), Narendra Modi ( MA in Political science), Navin Patnayak ( Graduate of St Stephen's,New Delhi), Ashok Chavhan ( CM of Maharashtra- An Engineer), Shivraj Singh Chouhan ( MA -Gold Medalist,CM of MP), Manishanker Aiyer ( Sr Cambridge Topper in BA (Hons) & former IAS), P. Chidambaram ( Masters in Business Administration from Howard), A.K.Antony ( Extremely Honest politician with BA,BL qualification), Chandrababu Naidu ( Masters in Economics & Creator of Cyberabad), Sitaram Yetchury ( MA Economics,Author of number of books) etc etc. may be in our Dream Cabinet.

Instead of formulating number of Toothless "Laws" like Lokpal, it is imerative to bring in major Constitutional changes by civil movement in the country. CVC act, Lokayukta in States failed to carry on their duty as efficiently as it was perceived to be during enactment of such acts. Anna's movement is not likely to yield any Striking changes in the "Lokpal",whatever may be provisions made in the Bill to fight corruption. As recently, it was remarked categorically that LOKPAL bill has to be passed by Parliament & who are there in Parliament, the same "Political" class or fraternity who would never allow it to be so burly to challenge "supremacy" of Political authority.

LOKPAL is alike PART 2 of CVC act. Anna should not squander his energy for LOKPAL till civil society or a Movement of masses work for a revolution in change of elegibility criteria for our Elected representatives in Assembly or Parliament.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Indian Democracy- Whether it is really People's rule???

We were born in Democratic India, living with the pride of being Nationals of Democratic country, where Notion of democracy -People's rule, for the People & by the People applies. In retrospect, one may analyse "reality" of 'People's" rule in India. Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indiraji, Rajiv Gandhi, altogether, ruled India for over 37 years ( out of age of 64 years of Independent India since 1947). Now for last 7 years, Madam Soniaji is at the helm of Affairs alike Chankya of Mauryan dynasty. The Nehru-Gandhi family seems to be the only "option" available as "People's" rule in Indian Democracy. Already, now Rahul Gandhi being trained to be in touch with People to eventually become People's representative to Rule. It seems time has come to celebrate Golden Jubilee of Nehru-Gandhi Family Rule in our country. Interestingly, 3 Bharat Ratnas also belong to the divine Family.

No doubt, the sacrifice of Indiraji & Rajiv Gandhi for the Nation etched in our Minds, reminding the greatness of both Mother & Son. But sacrifices of number of Soldiers in 1965, 1971 & Kargil War are also on equal sense of patriotism, fighting for the Matribhumi ( Motherland). Whether these Martyrs, Soldiers & their family are not worthy to be part of People's rule?? No!, recently UPA Govt via Congress spokesperson declared & defined the new rule for Democracy, which distinguishes People on Parameters like- Electable or Non Electable representatives. Now soul of Mahatma Gandhi, Jaiprakash Narayan, Vinoba Bhave, maybe feeling fortunate not to be alive to witness modern law & rule being preached for "Democracy". Once pronounced by followers of Autocratic form of rule that
 " Democracy is beautiful in theory,in practice it is a fallacy ( quote of Mussolini- Italian Dictator), turning out to be reality in current context of events in India.

Now one may ponder into question: Are'nt we live in Quasi or Pseudo form of Democracy ? or mixed form of Democracy & Dictatorship both, in which till we elect our representative, Democratic fundamentals are followed,once elected, our Representatives become supreme & teach us the definition of "People's rule" through "dictatorship" via authority given to them as elected representatives & whom these representatives work for, Nehru Gandhi family- who has been bestowed with GOD gift to be the  bona fide "People" to rule & govern the nation ( 60-62% life of Indian democracy belongs to them)....... 

Friday 20 May 2011

rajeev waves: Relations through virtue of Virtual World

rajeev waves: Relations through virtue of Virtual World: "When there was no Mobile or 'digital'connectivity in 80s,we used to spend time in listening BBC, Vividhbharti ( not FM) on Radio & make 'Pe..."

Relations through virtue of Virtual World

When there was no Mobile or "digital"connectivity in 80s,we used to spend time in listening BBC, Vividhbharti ( not FM) on Radio &  make 'Pen friends" by writing impressive letters. Inlands,Post cards used to be in good demand for participating in such Radio programmes and getting connected to friends,relatives ( even foe). I remember how we used to practice for a very good "Handwriting" & oeuvre of sentences in English or Hindi to impress upon "Pen friends". Scenario completely changed with the advent of Handphone or mobile & origination of IT era. I wonder,if Inland letters, Post Cards of Post Offices are still in demand. But,there is upsurge of fastest mode of connectivity & communication through social networking sites like Facebook,Orkut, Skype, Linkedin & so on.

The amaging "Virtual" world made it possible to have linkages of all personal ,professional relations & emotions in few "clicks" of keypads & we all feel alike sitting across "next door". Many a college/school friends are "explorable" & we get connected through them through a clack on a keyboard. Complementing & consoling, sharing joy & sorrow of  each other are great facets of "virtual" connectivity. Positive attributes of Social Networking sites are definitely emerging as key for consolidating or reviving the lost  alliance or association in the competitive & fast paced life (in "aapa dhapi").

Surely,nuance of the thought is " Virtual World" helped us in maintaining our Real World or relations as  'Live" & "Happy-go -Lucky".

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Modern youth feel like parent of their parents

A comparison of  young children & parents relationship of Indian middle class households in 80s or early 90s and today are the classical examples of Societal changes.

2-3 decades before Indian youth has only to Obey parents, act & decide as per their will & wish right from education to selecting Profession to enter into family life by arranged mode of marriages. Parents commanded "real" authority to decide fate,future of their Brood.

Modern age scenario changed with liberal & "soft" parents allowing free expression of thoughts, "obeying" young children's decision to choose type of Education, Profession & even their life partner.

Sometimes it seems Parents have become speechless Spectators before modern age youth,which feels more confident to take decision for his/her life in IT era. Whether these changes are signs of "Society Development" or "Obliteration of traditional Indian ethos" in the name of progressive or modern society. In North America & Europe ,instances have been noticed in which a young son or daughter complained to police about their parents of being Spiteful & Police had to take action against Parents.

The Question is- Whether Modern youth feels like decision maker above their Creators by following "3 Idiots",or understands the "threshold" limit of any conduct because "Children can not become parent of their parents".

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Ek tha Osama aur doosra Obama

"Obama watched complete live coverage of Osama killing operation"-A good headline for the print & electronic media. "Ek" Osama killed thousands of people in the name of "jehad",the other Obama & previous Obama ( Bush) felt happy in so called "Society cleansing" operation by killing thousands in Iraq,Afganistan, Libya etc etc.. The difference is Osama got self styled license for killing humans,but Obama got license from UN to kill "terrorist", who ,too are distracted humans of the Society, anywhere in the world,irrespective of
Sovereignty of the country. Technically, Osama did the same job on his own by deploying his "army" across world & now Obama led US army operation is same in Libya or Iraq or Afganistan. But, if India does similar agression to "cleanse" its border near LoC in Pak, it would be against International convention, US spokesperson would immediately react.

Moral of the story is US is World's "dada" ( alike mohalla ( street/ward) bosses in India) & no body can teach them moral, because whatever they do,that is within "law',but if same act is practiced by other country, Whitehouse will take no time in preaching Morality, Human rights, UN convention-------------

Saturday 30 April 2011

Monarchy still exists!!

"Mad" media attention towards Royal wedding in UK, "Idiocy"&"Craziness"of people to peep through marriage of Prince & Kate proved that the World order still has not changed. Exhorbitant expenditure in the wedding reminds how our olden age Kings/Sultans used to enjoy life, spend money lavishly being the rulers. Whether is there any difference in the status of Kings/Sultans/Nawabs in the modern democratic age?

In India, though Democracy exists but one may feel, now Monarchs are elected by people in a democratic process, who loot & enjoy public exchequer in the similar manner as Kings/Nawabs did earlier. Democratically elected Kings/Queens/Nawabs in Indian perspectives were/are Lalu Yadav (Raja of magadh),Mulayam Singh ( Awadh nawab), Mayawati ( present Queen of Awadh), M Karunanidhi ( King of Dravid pradesh), amma Jayalalitha ( Queen of Dravid Pradesh), Yedurrappa ( maharaja of mysore), Deshmukh/Ashok Chavhan/ ( Maratha naresh) etc etc...

A Raja, Alagiri, Prafulla Patel, Murli Devra, D Maran, Sharad Pawar etc... (equivalent to a Ministers in Mughal empire) are alike Mantris of Mughal darbar. Manmohan looks week Samrat like Bahadur Shah Jafar.

The above Synonymy of our Democratic leaders ( princely states & week Central kingdom) is dangerous for Indian democracy. We do'nt need  Monarchy of olden divided India but we need democratic form of Monarchy alike Samrat Chandragupta or Ashoka & good Advisor alike Chanakya.

Friday 29 April 2011

rajeev waves: Corruption for "common people" in India- Boon or B...

rajeev waves: Corruption for "common people" in India- Boon or B...: "Corruption for ' common people' is a useful tool available in India for hassle-free train journey without reservation or smooth Car drive ..."

Thursday 28 April 2011

Corruption for "common people" in India- Boon or Bane??

Corruption for "common people' is a useful tool available in India for hassle-free train journey without reservation or smooth Car drive without "valid' license or to enter into property /land deal through "facilitating" agents or to get "VIP" caring treatment in any "good" Hospital & even to get entry to Medical or Engineering Colleges through "Management" quota. Idealistic view may classify all these under "bad" practices of Corruption. But on a realistic sense, India is a country where in "emergency situation" any commonner can travel in an AC or any coach without having a valid ticket by paying a "facilitation" fee (one may call it BRIBE), no fear in driving a car without License( afterall facility is available to pay to traffic police,if caught)till License is managed through RTO agents. One of my friend is having Driving License but he does not know driving ( becoz..Mera Bharat Mahan) Beyond common people DGCA officials can help you in getting Pilot License as well (that is corruption in high places).

Many renowned private Medical colleges & Engineering colleges have excellent provision to admit students of "Rich" common people through backdoor by paying a hasty sum in "cash",there are so called "counsellers" ( or Agent) available across country.Hence,no worry for Rich class of common people or such commoners who is ready to spend by availing Educational loan from Banks,even if their Sons/daughters are unable to clear any competitive exam.(a boon for EDUCATION??).

Any common people would be happy to buy a peace of land or a small residential flat, house for which "naturally" they have to go to the Registry office through Agent or Property Broker who will make one's life very easy & simpler by getting all complex procedural formalities done quickly by "Open" payment of facilitation fees at different desks,its very common & acceptable to all. No worry for common public.

Whether all above examples of "corruption" are to be taken as good "facility" for Aam Janta or not??? Aam Janta will not be able to get things done in thier complete life,had they not availed all such Provisions of facilitation,we may call it bribe or corruption in Routine.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Manmohanomics-New theory of Economics under "coalition dharma"

Indians may remember Pt. Sukhram, the then Telecom Minister who was guilty of having hard cash of 3-4 crores in his home. It was a "big' corruption story. But today growth of country surpassed one's imagination & we talk about scams of lakhs of crores, thousands of crores, Bribe of 200-300 crores seems not to be too "big". Reason is- India progressed following "manmohanomics"in all field,Whether it is corruption or price rise or cost of Commonwealth games in India ( had the amount spent for organizing games would have allocated for providing shelters to homeless in metrocities, it would have changed lives of millions of BPL families in India). In midst of all these developments, Hon'ble PM addressed Press to explain what could be termed as "Manmohanomics",wherein any economic growth ( no doubt, increase in the quantum of money in Swiss Bank or 2G "loot" or CWG "gang loot") is attributed to following the principles of "coalition dharma". Watching press conference,it looked all media "elites" also made it a point to attend PM's brief not for asking queries but surprisingly it looked as if they all were there to impress upon PM by flattering quotes ( in decent outfit as well alike company Executives) & pretending to be questioning PM on "relevant" issues in most "non relevant" manner. One of my friend linked to Media told that they have to run their channels as SBUs ( strategic business units),hence they can't take much risk in annoying Ruling party. Finally ,moral is all follow "manmohanomics" due to some kind of Coalition or Compulsion dharma. Sometimes, I feel India needs another "Chanakya" to cleanse the entire Constitutional structure of the country in true "democratic" way.

rajeev waves: Profession & Emotion-any link in politics???

rajeev waves: Profession & Emotion-any link in politics???: "A Raja was the loyal soldier of DMK party,but when booked & charged under 2G, Karunanidhi ,the Mentor gave statement that if found guilty,he..."

Profession & Emotion-any link in politics???

A Raja was the loyal soldier of DMK party,but when booked & charged under 2G, Karunanidhi ,the Mentor gave statement that if found guilty,he would be removed from Party. Now when his daughter-Kanimozhi face similar charges, Karuna becme "emotional" to fight her case legally- Official statement of DMK. Poor Raja is not in the Karuna's clan,suffering because of "excessive" loyality.

Moral of the story is there will always be "emotion" in any "profession",wheteher its Politics or DGCA officials getting "trained" their sons/daughter as Pilots.

Mulayam may kickout Loyal Amar Singh from his party in "professional" way but his brother & son in the party will always be professionally working in the Party due to "emotion".