Monday 15 August 2011

64 years of Free India,"Swatantra Bharat"- A matured democracy?

Today is August 15,2011,yet another birthday being celebrated for Indian Nation. Year after year,this day comes,we hear patriotic songs,stories on TV channels, go through special issues of Newspaper,magzines narrating inspirational stories about leaders who fought for our freedom from British. We feel proud in pronouncing India as the most matured democracy of the world,but at times,incidents & behaviour of our political class raises doubt on maturity of our democracy & force us to believe in thought that though we got freedom from British,yet we are not free from our own political rulers.During emergency in 1975, 'free' India had to face another struggle for the ceased fundamental rights under Indiraji's regime which ultimately restored with Loknayak JP's"samagra kranti" movement. In general, even with "emotional fool" tag Indian citizens have shown tremendous patience,tolerance barring coarse or crude response/behaviour during Anti Sikh riots,probably the "worst" period or "toughest" test of Democratic India to hold together a diverse Society across India.

In 1992, again Indian state encountered widespread odium amongst Hindu & Muslim brothers & it looked the country will be doomed into civil war & there may not be any solution other than imposing an Emergency.  But once the "emotional" content of brainy Indians diminished, the normalcy prevailed & democratic principles of Indian constitution once again proved to be the noble cause for sovereignty of country. The dawn into new millennium witnessed India entereing into an era of "coaltion" politics,wherein none of national parties is getting Majority to rule the country. The coalition period of our democracy may have been the period of "Corrupt age" when Indian public heard of loot of not lakhs or croes but "thousands of crores" or "hundred of crores"  ( No doubt,it also indicated India's economic progress as well on the postive side). Present Indian Prime Minister acknowledged indirectly the "Corruption" as the outcome of Coalition politics, showing his helplessness, "Coalition" era in Democracy may not be permanent.  Today, our democracy is eagerly waiting for a good National leader with integrity & dedication to lead the nation & make it corrupt free.

On the eve of Anna Hazare's Fast for the Janlokpal, again Indian democracy being tested for resilience & maturity under such conditions. So far, UPA govt acted out of nervousness & is making all efforts to suppress the Anna's movement or aggression,which is the sign of an Immatured & frightened Govt of India under UPA.

 Article 19 ( 1) b of Indian Constitution gives us the right to assemble peacefully and without arms. This right is subject to reasonable restrictions in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India and public order. Anna's movement is not going to affect on India's sovereignity and integrity then why Govt of India is so harsh on him? Rather, UPA should come forward in supporting Anna Hazare & work hand in hand for the cause of corrupt free India. Jan lokpal bill draft of Anna and Govt both could have been published by Govt of India & public comments could have been sought on both the Bills.

In Democracy "Parliament' is supreme only because representatives sitting in Parliament are elected by People & Rule for the People, by the People are fundamentals on which pillars of strong Indian nation had been conceived after independence. The representatives of "Supreme" Parliament should not become "super" Supreme to ignore public voices who elected them to serve the public,not to suppress them,if they protest for any cause.

On 64th Birthday of Free India, while we feel proud of being the national of World's fastest developing nation having sound economic prosperity, scientific & technological prowess attained by our largest pool of human capital, a glorious history of developed civilization, great empires on Indian soil like Mauryan ,Gupta periods etc., but there is a sense of distress among large section of Society witnessing the turn of events on Anna's Fast & an "immature" Govt response,particularly spokesperson of Congress party,talking "rubbishy' or "abusive" language on Anna. They need to be reminded  how an adamant ruler like Indira Gandhi dethroned by Jaiprakash Narayan movement in 1977. Matured democracy has inbuilt principle of great respect, resilience towards the public view & non violent protests have been the part & parcel of public or people's  right to voice their views before Govt.

Let us pray that "God loving" nation India will once again get through ( by the grace of GOD) in the test for degree of Maturity in our democracy on August 16 onwards & great sense of wisdom prevails upon the present days rulers to tackle Anna's movement.

Jai Hind, Jai Akhand Bharat

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