Wednesday 27 April 2011

Profession & Emotion-any link in politics???

A Raja was the loyal soldier of DMK party,but when booked & charged under 2G, Karunanidhi ,the Mentor gave statement that if found guilty,he would be removed from Party. Now when his daughter-Kanimozhi face similar charges, Karuna becme "emotional" to fight her case legally- Official statement of DMK. Poor Raja is not in the Karuna's clan,suffering because of "excessive" loyality.

Moral of the story is there will always be "emotion" in any "profession",wheteher its Politics or DGCA officials getting "trained" their sons/daughter as Pilots.

Mulayam may kickout Loyal Amar Singh from his party in "professional" way but his brother & son in the party will always be professionally working in the Party due to "emotion".

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