Wednesday 15 June 2011

Indian Democracy- Whether it is really People's rule???

We were born in Democratic India, living with the pride of being Nationals of Democratic country, where Notion of democracy -People's rule, for the People & by the People applies. In retrospect, one may analyse "reality" of 'People's" rule in India. Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indiraji, Rajiv Gandhi, altogether, ruled India for over 37 years ( out of age of 64 years of Independent India since 1947). Now for last 7 years, Madam Soniaji is at the helm of Affairs alike Chankya of Mauryan dynasty. The Nehru-Gandhi family seems to be the only "option" available as "People's" rule in Indian Democracy. Already, now Rahul Gandhi being trained to be in touch with People to eventually become People's representative to Rule. It seems time has come to celebrate Golden Jubilee of Nehru-Gandhi Family Rule in our country. Interestingly, 3 Bharat Ratnas also belong to the divine Family.

No doubt, the sacrifice of Indiraji & Rajiv Gandhi for the Nation etched in our Minds, reminding the greatness of both Mother & Son. But sacrifices of number of Soldiers in 1965, 1971 & Kargil War are also on equal sense of patriotism, fighting for the Matribhumi ( Motherland). Whether these Martyrs, Soldiers & their family are not worthy to be part of People's rule?? No!, recently UPA Govt via Congress spokesperson declared & defined the new rule for Democracy, which distinguishes People on Parameters like- Electable or Non Electable representatives. Now soul of Mahatma Gandhi, Jaiprakash Narayan, Vinoba Bhave, maybe feeling fortunate not to be alive to witness modern law & rule being preached for "Democracy". Once pronounced by followers of Autocratic form of rule that
 " Democracy is beautiful in theory,in practice it is a fallacy ( quote of Mussolini- Italian Dictator), turning out to be reality in current context of events in India.

Now one may ponder into question: Are'nt we live in Quasi or Pseudo form of Democracy ? or mixed form of Democracy & Dictatorship both, in which till we elect our representative, Democratic fundamentals are followed,once elected, our Representatives become supreme & teach us the definition of "People's rule" through "dictatorship" via authority given to them as elected representatives & whom these representatives work for, Nehru Gandhi family- who has been bestowed with GOD gift to be the  bona fide "People" to rule & govern the nation ( 60-62% life of Indian democracy belongs to them)....... 

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