Thursday 21 July 2011

Modern Life cycle- Profession Vs Emotion Vs 'inclusive' Family roles

Ardent-craving for Dream cities in India or Abroad to settle down, Professional "Race" to go ahead of all, achieving higher CTC packages in "shortest" possible period etc.etc. are the topics debated among New generation as well as Middle & Senior Professionals of Modern India. Parents, relatives all feel proud in sharing their joy to whole world by propagating their wards "Job movements" or "settlements" across Metro cities or Abroad far from their native towns & cities.

Though stems of complete "Family Tree “would be dispersed across Miles within India or Abroad in “nucleus” family forms, yet connectivity through Communication channels, Social networking remains intact.

However, sometimes, somewhere in situations like unwell parents or close relatives or friends in trouble, the current age Professionals find themselves in hapless state of not performing their “personal or family” duty of taking care of elderly parents, relatives, and near –dear friends by reaching back to them physically due to official or “in-situ” family commitments, compulsions, and constraints, ultimately pander to routine telephony to members of clan for formal “How are you?? (Despite fully knowing that they are not well), satisfying themselves & concerned relatives or parents of at least being enquired about. Most of Middle or Service Class family settled away from their Origin faces this kind of situation & the nature of response may be by & large similar.

But, recently when I got an opportunity to see through the lives of Factory Workers, Labourers, and Vehicle/Car Drivers, I discovered how they struggle to earn & manage the Family with “limited ambition” or career goal and low income, but still ready to rush to their natives in the event of any eventuality, catastrophic situation in family or even close friends,sacrificing even Wage cut due to unpaid leaves,absentism etc.

Would like to share a true story of a low paid worker, whose sister & her husband died in a road mishap. The moment he heard of the sad news ,immediately left Factory, travelled by different means (No money in the pocket to buy Train or Bus ticket, took loan for all expenses for travel, other logistics) to reach to the Unfortunate site of mishap and after all last rites performed, brought his sister’s son & daughter along with him to take care of them throughout his life as Parents. He has only a 02 room small rented house, where his wife & a son in infancy also live. No matters how much he earns or how does he manage his family & his departed sister’s children, but for him, responsibilities towards an “inclusive” family is more important than confinement only into his own clique. His earning may be about Rs 8000 per month out of which Rs. 2000 per month goes on various loan payments, taken from time to time to meet similar kind of Family related exigencies.

When I told this story to one of my “Professional” friend, he commented that he is an “emotional” fool, ruining his own Family life, there is no need of such act of sacrifice by taking up the responsibility of his sister’s children. He remarked that he should first become financially capable to take up additional burden beyond his own family. Anyway it is different matter that in any case, he cannot attain financial comfort in present “birth” & by Professional advice, he cannot act upon his emotional or warranted conscientiousness in such crisis state of Family affairs.
Nevertheless, his story inspires many of emotional traits, irrespective of any kind of Professionalism or attributes of Individual persona. Maybe in competitive “race” among Professionals, tight work schedules to complete tasks in hand, tension of appraisal to score over peers, a 21ST CENTURY “PROFESSIONAL” fails to act upon or unable to fulfil “larger” family responsibilities in crucial periods & gradually lost or become insensitive to respond or react for any good or bad events.  

Whether professional excellence & prosperity of an Individual or professional dilutes his/her obligations towards broader & all encompassing kind of Family Roles?? Whether there should be perfect balance between performing Professional "Karma" & discharging duty towards broader Family "Dharma"??

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