Tuesday 2 August 2011

"Quasi" sensitive Electronic Media- Sensation or good for Time-pass

Price of an Individual life is less than a video clipping/Av of real scene of "Live death" for the Electronic Media to create "sensation". It was proved incidents after incident ,when Media "raced" to grab the Footage for such "breaking news". It was tragic to watch how a family near Indore got trapped under the wild stream of water & drowned away to heaven,People around the spot were busy in "live shooting" of a "death" video.One survivor of the incident could narrate the heartrending fact that no body bothered to take any initiative to save the family, rather most of them very busy in taking still or running Pics of the tragedy. Whether alongwith our Media, Society too has become so professional or Professional Society does not have courage to act upon during such events requiring valiant efforts to save life of somebody.Another similar dreadful Video footage of a "live murder" at Coimbtore was telecast by most of Media Channels,in which a group of goons were shown beating a person unto death. There were so many people,crowd around but all were silent expectators to the horrible "death show",Media could reach the spot but not to save life but to seize the Opportunity to get a sensational Video for the "BREAKING NEWS" slot.
Controversies, Scandals, Stories outlining humiliation to mankind or abuse of any Individual or evils of Society attract good TRP for any 24 hours News Channel. Quite often we watch insensitive & brazen Media reporting in the name of "real truthful stories"but one question pops up,Are these not attributes of "Yellow Journalism"? Maybe "Yellow journalism" is always good for "Timepass" for Society in leisure periods.Nowadays, most of TV News channels are busy in "discovering" or digging out Corruption stories from any nook. My observations are many a times, any particular corruption story will suddenly vanish out from the same Channel or diluted. Why? One may assume that Media channels might have been "managed" by the affected Individual/Party/Politician. Anchors of TV channels are very vocal in demanding declaration of Audited account statements of Income from any Company or Baba Ramdev or Politician's Wealth/asset time & again. But what about Media houses income & expenditure statements?Media houses should also come forward in declaring source of fund & income receipt details. Example of Southern India is in front of us, where Media channels, TV cable etc. all managed by political parties. A particular News Channel did the so called "probe" of "Cash for Vote" scam live, but before telecasting they did'nt go to Police. What was the motive? Alongwith politicians & their conduits, the concerned News Channel also needs to be investigated that whether the "sting" was carried out for 'commercial" gain or it was part of their "ethical" duty as true Journalist. For example in 2G case or Gas allocation in KG basin, Media has focused completely on Raja, DMK clan, Officials but what about real culprits. Story of KG basin Gas allocation was confined to Former DGH.Why they are unable to target Real Owners of Mega Industrial Corporates?? Anyway, in current scenario,despite of advocacy & proactive Media, as an Individual one may not have complete trust on Media reporting in the competitive & commercial regime of Journalism.

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