Saturday 27 October 2018

A Personal Perspective on Education system in UP


There has been unprecedented noise across India about growth in terms of  number of technical institutions, professional colleges, skilling Institutions over the past one or two decades. In last few years, no doubt, Skill training & Institutions have taken centre stage everywhere. It looks as if Education and skilling have completely been revolutionized in the country with statistics on paper portray progressive picture for clapping & thumbs up.

The numbers of educational Institutions, Skill training centres have increased many folds in both Government as well as the private sector but the majority of these Institutions are alike “Certificate shops”.While working in small towns, villages in UP, we found there are numerous Private ITIs, Private degree colleges where parents admit their children only to get certificates by payment of Fee, there is no need to regularly attend college or Institutions. If any ITI trade has course duration of 2 years, the student might have attended not more than 2 months of class, only during Examination period. Simultaneously, a student may have completed other Bachelor degree as well by enrolling in Private degree colleges. 

Many of such Institutions are operating alike Business model to earn money. The new definition of “Good” college or “Institution”, particularly in rural areas, is emerging with the brand image of Institutions or colleges who suggest -" No Need to attend classes regularly", they take responsibility of crossing hurdle of Examination by malpractices/ cheating etc. (In Hindi- “Ghar Baithe Degree hasil kare”). The situation necessitates policymaker or Governmental machinery to go for “surgical strike” on such cluster of “Educational shops or Malls”.

The efforts plus mammoth planning & investment by Government in skilling youth with projections of statistics indicating millions of beneficiaries targeted are becoming futile in “reality”, though time to time corrective measures are taken at the highest level of governmental machinery. Another gap seems to be between the “skilling” targets & aspirants who may wish to join skill training. Still, the numbers of youth/aspirants for vocational courses or skill courses are quite less than the Governmental targets or projections, which quite often lead to duplication of numbers of beneficiaries in diverse types of skill courses despite the checks applied through Aadhar based verification.

To cleanse the messy Educational system, maybe we require multiple number of Union Education/HRD minister with Focussed area/region of country, for Example: A Minister of Education or HRD or Skilling for North India, South India, West or East or North East etc etc. These fleet of HRD/Education minister may go deep into all aspects of Education, supported by Advisors from Academia /experts of related domain - Primary, Secondary or Higher education or Technical education or skill based /vocational education & work in coordination with the respective state Government’s Ministries. Considering Population of over 200 million & area of Uttar Pradesh ( UP), perhaps two or three Union Ministers for HRD/Education is required to focus on different regions of the state. 

There is an imminent interference required to set right the methodology of operation, sincerity, integrity and restoration of discipline in Primary, Middle & higher secondary or Inter colleges in rural areas of UP to inculcate the spirit of “Hard work”, “Positivism” “Passion for education & learning”. Institutions or Colleges or Skill training providers working as “ Only for business or revenue generating models or modules" or are “ Certificate shops”,  need to be identified and stern action like closure notices to be served to such “Unprincipled” or “Ethos polluting”entities. 

Saturday 5 March 2016


In present Indian context the term “Patriotism” or “Nationalism” is being misinterpreted, misused by all sections of modern society. Similarly for most politicians of post-independence era, whenever a tricky situation arises, they tend to seriously muse for their respective support base of people before expressing any thought, these are not simple words of a dictionary but sense of emotional cord attached with all Indians. Unfortunately, India’s over 1.25 billion population is not only fragmented based on religion but divided across hundreds of castes/sub castes, linguistic division from North to South or East to West. Despite of unique medley of Indian community, sustainability of our unity as a Nation & trust on democratic principles are intact due to the inherent nature of inbuilt tolerance of majority of Indians, at times emotional reactions are too harsh from different groups or believers of a religious, social or political thought in response to displeasing governmental or non-governmental action or due to different viewpoints among groups, yet, we are able to preserve our Indian-ness ( Bhartiyata)  in  testing times.

I remember the day Mrs Indira Gandhi was killed by her own Security guards in 1984, it looked as if Country would again divide & perhaps HINDUS & SIKHS cannot live in this country together, though the wounds & suffering of affected families of riots cannot be forgotten, we remained united & regained the original ethos of “Unity is strength”. In 1987, when Mr Rajeev Gandhi was killed in a suicide attack by LTTE operatives, again Indian state’s democracy was put to test & succeeded in proving to be resilient. In 1990, after the decision of implementation of Mandal commission report, we witnessed series of stirs in Institutions, fights between the different cast groups, self-immolation attempts by students. Our college campuses closed for almost one month, many of us had believed strongly that now nobody can protect the Nation to fall into divisive trap permanently, yet the temporary phase of chaos died down, India progressed with the same people. Political parties kept doing analysis of gain/loss, the general psyche of Indian to live together in spite of differing views prevailed, country’s ONENESS returned back on cricket or any other sporting grounds of colleges or Institutions.   

Again in 1992, the Hindu-Muslim clashes, riots in major cities became so intense, many had believed as if we were heading for “civil war”. For 12-15 days, there was complete turmoil in most part of Northern India. Once the “Charge” of Emotional battery” got exhausted in both Hindu & Muslim communities, the Indian-ness of society resumed working & one of the toughest examination cleared by the Democratic India.

Today, the most debated issues in print or electronic or social media are related to Jammu & Kashmir scenario, general status of Hindu-Muslim unity in the present rule of NDA/Mr Narendra Modi. In the ‘google age”, we are fortunate to explore or research on any historical incidents, in the process I got the Speech of Mr Atal Behari Vajpayee at University of Kashmir in 2003, excerpt from one part of speech is reproduced below:
Today I would like to recall one of Mehjoor's couplets, which I had quoted in my Independence Day speech in 2001. Clearly, if Muslim is milk, Hindu is sugar; let the two mix together; Discard discord and love each other. Didn't Swami Vivekananda also express the same thought, after he returned from a memorable visit to Kashmir? Replying to a letter from a Maulvi, Swamiji wrote his famous words: 'I see in my mind's eye the future perfect India rising out of this chaos and strife, glorious and invincible, with Vedanta brain and Islam body.' I have recalled certain names and facts from Kashmir's history only to underscore my belief that the tradition of brotherhood is not something that belongs to Kashmir's past. It is also a part of its living present. The outpouring of shock, grief, and anger that marked Kashmiri Muslims' response to the recent massacre of pandits at Nadimarg is just one example of this. It is the responsibility of academicians, scholars, artists, cultural personalities, mass media and political workers to highlight the age-old traditions of communal harmony and national unity in Kashmir and the rest of India

The message in the above speech was aligned to the spirit of preserving India’s integrity through philosophical quotes on Hindu-Muslim bonding. In Plastics Engineering, “Polymer blend” or “Plastics material Blend” is developed to attain properties of 2 or 3 individual materials so as to perform better than any individual material for a particular end use application. Similarly, India’s blended society which we inherited for hundreds of year cannot be crumbled by ill-conceived notion or thought of any solitary group.

For many of us in Independent India, India’s partition in 1947 seems to be big mistake committed by the Political establishment at the behest of British to weaken the strong Nation at the cost of Independence. The History cannot be changed but future of next generation can definitely be safeguarded by resolving the root cause itself. Political Establishments of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh have to evolve a bold & effective internal strategy to work on creating a South Asian Alliance or Union of South Asia (Unity of European Union after initial hiccups or solidity of GCC countries still sustained in spite of diverse views or different standpoints of Member Nations on many political/societal issues) but retaining sovereignty of Individual Nations. The theory behind creation of different nations based on religion in 1947 (India & Pakistan) & then based on language in 1971 (Bangladesh) could not bring peace or prosperity, only led to more confrontation, sense of detestation for each other. 

However, in GCC or Europe or North America the working class of Indian, Pakistani & Bangla community altogether considered as one “Clan”. Few months back at Cairo Airport, at Immigration counter a Worker family from Bangladesh (returning back to home after completing contractual obligation in Egypt) was struggling to explain the query of Immigration official, suddenly the Worker came to me with request to intervene by clarifying to the immigration guy, I did do that, he was very happy, obliged and commented in his Bangla mixed Hindi –“Sab,aap hamara aadmi hai, yahan arab aadmi hamara bat nahi samajhata”.

Bold tactical changes in foreign policy leaving aside the historical guidelines followed from the days of partition and honest efforts by Top leaders of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh are the imperative need of the current times to create a better history for future generations. Soft borders, visa free regime, joint association of business & cultural meets, people to people contact within South Asian Alliance of Indo-Pak-Bangla nations may not only eliminate the animosity inoculated in the minds of people since the days of partition or separation from one another but definitely may facilitate in kicking off the process of diminishing hostility/tension at borders, help in bringing openness among politicians of Alliance countries in dealing with all unresolved & redundant disputes inherited by the present generation and to focus on real issues like poverty alleviation, infrastructure upgradation, employment generation for millions of youth of the region. Such thoughts of Alliance or Federation of Indo-Pak-Bangla were expressed by few politicians in India earlier too, commoner and normal Indian sentiments (governed largely by Media ‘guidance’ ) never allow citizen  to refresh, rethink and rebuild a concept to repair the damages caused greatly to all 03 brother nations after division of the Undivided family-INDIA of British period.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Developmental realities Vs Politics of Indian democracy

Ever since BJP Govt came into power, Publicity & Advertisements through tools of Social Media are in surge mode & we get excited to visit Smart cities, live in digital India, travel on Bullet train etc etc but all on virtual platform. Feel proud that our PM is doing 'Chai par Charcha" with US President, all live images on TV channels influenced many of us which follows a comfortable routine of working in a temperature controlled  comfortable office, come back to home, have dinner, watch TV or get busy on their smart phone or Pad, get thrilled on watching all  facets or attributes of glowing developments 'theoretically'.

As we  never  or hardly heard our earlier PM speaking on these modern issues, now so much  get impressed & raise our open support with  high "Feel- good" factor on  BJP's govt performance so far. But we need to realize that  all "thesis' like governance through propaganda, Corporate- kind of marketing of Governmental schemes may look quite inspiring on a screen & paper unless tested  and implemented. Many of such ambitious scheme's implementation may take years ranging from 5 to 10 years  "Visibility" of our PM has definitely increased everywhere, but practically "Development"  on fundamental issues is not quite visible, albeit, Share market is at highest mark & Corporate Giants are the main beneficiaries in terms of increased Capital worth they may be holding in their kitty.  

UP & BIHAR are the two most populous states (constitute around 30% of Country's population) but  honest efforts by BJP's Govt in these 02 states are not visible in  last 9 month period. Before jumping to create "Smart city", there is a need to improve infrastructure on the ground to transform them first  as "Basic city". Indian Villages in majority areas have been  known to be poorly equipped in terms of Electricity, Road, Medical services, Education etc. However, now barring few capital cities of north India, most of the "Cities' should be ashamed of the tag of "City" instead to be looked like "Cluster of villages".

For sure with my 4 years stint at  Kanpur city ( once known as "Manchester of East") which repays the highest revenue to State Govt exchequer & perhaps in top 25-30 cities of country in income generation for Government & contributing  to GDP of our country, one can feel the pinch of extremely poor infrastructure. A Chinese guest to our place travelled with me on Kanpur Roads & commented back to me that in China too, 20 years back such type of roads were there i.e Whether interpretation is that we are 20 years behind  China ? Yes it is definitely true despite of "Self proclaim" parity with China by our Politicians.  

Once any State or Central elections are over, City's representatives ( MLA or MP) are visible on Newspapers only, no field work ,only blame game on each other ( State Vs Central Govt). In UP, except Lucknow, you go to any city like Allahabad or Jhansi , Gorakhpur or VIP city of Varanasi, ground situation has not at all changed. Now "Heat" of Summer season & Electricity crisis in cities of UP & Bihar are going to be faced by general public, if anyone State or Central Govt can truthfully  work for people then prime agenda  should be to develop "Basic" cities & towns with  24 hours electricity, Water, Hospitals for poor & economically weaker section, Roads free with potholes, motor-able.

In  extreme winter of Kanpur in December & January  of 2014/15, many politicians were busy in "Clean India" campaign, none of them felt the need to shift shelter less shivering people, family and children to a better home to protect them from chilly wind & weather, Rather many business houses of Kanpur were responsive in arranging the "Homes' for Homeless & providing blankets, woolen clothes etc to needy families. 

Result  of Progressive or developmental Plans should be perceptible to common man, Now time has come for the BJP led Central Govt to introspect & "AAP" victory in Delhi is a wake up call. Now they have to exert ,sweat & come to the field for ground work  in  district to district, spread across the vast demographic areas of underdeveloped India before putting forth a fairly advanced 'Digital India" or Rosy pictures in Social media, Hype through good oratory may not last long, well proved in Delhi election ( diya tale andhera). 

Around 300 BC, Chanakya said  about democracy" People's fury is above all furies" Another quote of Chankya is befitting in present context -The man who is praised by others is regarded as worthy though he may be really void of all merit. But the man who sings his own praises becomes disgraced though he should be Indra, the possessor of all excellencies. 

Sunday 23 March 2014


Governance” & “Development” vis-à-vis ‘Corruption” in administrative system of India has always been in the psyche of our Society. India’s “Corruption” journey began mainly from Bofors to Fodder to Submarine to Kargil Coffin to Commonwealth to 2G to Bellary mining to All India level Coal Block allocation and journey continues…….. 

On issue of corruption there had been series of political as well as civil society movements since late 70s, 80s & 90s.In midst of debate on “Corruption” at political or non-political forums should we not deliberate that despite of virus of “Corruption” India progressed, however, sometimes it is perceived that the “progress” is largely urbanized.  Barring remote areas of North, North East or North West, in the plains of India where are the “Villages”? Most of the villages have now been transformed as towns with connectivity, easy access to all amenities. Albeit someone may argue that Villages of few  Indian states like UP, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Bengal  are yet to benefit from fruits of 5 major developmental components -ROAD,ELECTRICITY,EDUCATION,HEALTH,WATER -“REEHW”.

Many statistics from Economic survey like GDP, Inflation, Foreign exchange reserve of country etc. may be the theoretical data for Economists to play around or do research for Forecasting the state of Economy and for Politicians of Ruling parties to project success of development ,similarly for opposition parties to counter the data to negate “development”. But for an Indian living in any city or town or village, all 05 components of “REEHW” are the deciding factor to decide about development of his or her place of residence. For Poor section of society definitely the price of essential commodities, food grain, vegetables, fruits, medicines, etc. is the most significant determinant to be satisfied with any Administration or Government, if Prices are stable & within the spending –limit of all sections of society, who may bother for “corruption” in defence or telecom or mining or coal block etc. ??

 No doubt the “corruption” may be an issue for the Society but gradually the notion of common people or general public of any Indian city seems to be drifting away from eradicating “corruption” & accepting ‘corruption” as reality of modern day life. In simple terms, “DEVELOPMENT” may “HAPPEN” even if “CORRUPTION” virus is present in the system. We may witness greater degree of ‘Development” if FACTOR of Corruption/ FACTOR of Development (-C/D) is less than 0.5.  

Our Former Prime Minister Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi commented in 80s that out of Re 1 spent by Government only 20 paisa reaches for the “real” purpose i.e  C/D= 80/20= 4 ,and  if this was the reality in 80s then it was too bad to achieve satisfactory degree of development  but yet India progressed and seeds of “Telecom revolution” strewed. Further,  if this  ratio of C/D is reversed – 80 paisa  of Govt. reaches for the purpose it meant for  then C/d ratio would be 20/80= 0.4 and visibility of Development parameters ( REEHW) may be prominent. 

People talk about biggest corruption scam of 2G but the fact is- India developed most in the area of Mobile telephony with connectivity across India and around 200 Million users.  Bofors scam was one of the First major corruption scam in defence but every Indian knows that during Kargil war, the Bofors gun played major role in India’s victory.  In India, we always deliberate on China’s prowess on development issues but there is no much difference between INDIA and CHINA on ‘index rating of corruption” as published by Transparency International but CHINA is way ahead INDIA on all 05 components of development i.e. REEHW.  In a nutshell, it is opined that "CORRUPTION" virus alone can not obstruct "DEVELOPMENT" ,it is up to the WILL & DETERMINATION of the GOVERNMENT to govern & administer to yield result on "REEHW".

Saturday 22 June 2013

Funding of Electronic/Print Media- Whether Transparent ??

In the recent past, almost all TV News Channels/Print Media highlighted stories on " Conflict of Interest"  in Cricket & how players like MSD & others are involved as shareholders or promoters. At times repeated 'doses' of such stories in Media channels became excruciating. None of the "so called" National heroes from the world of cricket or "Super stars" from Film/Bollywood are saints, all are business professionals,which is the reality & true fact. Neither the Politicians are the "selfless" servant of the People of India. 

Further, while we may appreciate the Role of Electronic or Print Media in bringing in many unknown /under the carpet stories to the surface & exposing 'corruption" engrossed in all spheres of democratic system or Institutions of India from time to time. But as "Eye opener" or "Opinion builder", Media channels too require the "Proof of integrity" or "Transparency Code of conduct" in their operation. 

For an example ,if a company /corporate/body or Individual -'X' is under scanner for any corruption or "black money" or 'black mailing"being questioned under Income tax laws in India & the "X"  is promoter or funding or sponsor of any program of any Electronic Media or Print media, it is the moral obligation of concerned Media organization to telecast/print such stories as well without any bias & put forth the insights for public view or review. Most of the  prime- time News programs of different TV channels are 'sponsored" by either leading Academic group or Institution or leading Corporates &  various Awards Instituted by these News channels are also sponsored by companies /corporate in a similar way any Bollywood or TV entertainment programs are hosted.

Though it is known veracity that for operation of Private News Channels or Electronic Media, funding or financial support is quintessential but being a Media house & with the telecast or broadcast capability among masses, they eventually turn out to be a "public opinion builder" & hence their duty is alike any 'Public servant" &  are accountable for any deed or misdeeds. 

Recently , Information commission gave ruling about political parties to be under the ambit of RTI, same must apply to Media fraternity for the sake  of transparency. Media editors, Anchors, Presenters of reputed channels, News editors are no less than any Celebrity or Public figure & are answerable for any "smoke" of wrongdoing by them or Promoter/Stakeholder/Fund provider in the similar manner as any Cricketer, Politician, Public servant, Film Star. 

Monday 31 December 2012

Dawn of 2013- Another year of Kali-yuga ????

Year after year, we the inhabitants on the “Holy” soil of India pray for a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, Powerful, and Prosperous New Year. Once again SUN of 2012 is about to set & we eagerly await for the Rising SUN of 2013. The poignant tragedy to the Family of the Brave Girl, who fought her battle for a LIFE in KALI-YUGA but suffered, struggled & succumbed in the last month of 2012 shattered “Humanity” on the land of all Greats of the World & made us to believe the theory of Kali-yuga, as preached by folklore. 

Reproduced are few thoughts on Kali-yuga from Vedic Knowledge online:

According to the Vedic scriptures, our current age, known as Kali-yuga, is one of spiritual darkness, violence and hypocrisy. Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.2.31) records Kali-yuga as having begun when the constellation of the seven sages (saptarsi) passed through the lunar mansion of Magha. Hindu astrologers have calculated this to have been 2:27 a.m. on February 18, 3102 BC. This took place some 36 years after Lord Krisna spoke Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna. 

It had been preached that during the 432,000 year age of Kali-yuga humanity will deteriorate and fall into barbarism. Political leadership falls into the hands of unprincipled rogues, criminals and terrorists, who use their power to exploit the people. Thieves are numerous and rapes are frequent. There are many beggars, and widespread unemployment. Merchants operate corrupt businesses.
Diseases, rats, and foul substances plague the populace. Water is lacking, fruits are scarce. Everyone uses vulgar language.  The men of Kali-yuga seek only money. 
 Only the richest have power. People without money are their slaves. The leaders of the state no longer protect the people, but plunder the citizenry through excessive taxation. Farmers abandon living close to nature. They become unskilled labourers in congested cities. Many dress in rags, or are unemployed, and sleep on the streets. Through the fault of the government, infant mortality rates are high. False gods are worshiped in false ashrams, in which pilgrimages, penances, charities and austerities are all concocted.”

After going through the above depiction of Kali-yuga, don’t we believe that we are passing through the Age of Kali-yuga only? Not the ostensible imagination of “Modern” India to be amongst “Superpower” by 2020.

We must pray to GOD for reversing the hypothesis of Kali-yuga & bestow Indian society with a Commanding & Ubiquitous Leaders  like Lord Krishna who can Rule & ruin the Rogue elements by “Complete destruction” of “Adharma” (evil). Political system in the country calls for insistent cleansing by the People power & youth revolution so that the sanctity of “Truth”, "Honesty", “Humanity” & “Justice” prevails.

May the year 2013 turn out to be a YEAR of OPTIMISM, ENTHUSIASM, AWAKENING & REVOLUTION Year for Indian society to roll back or stop the wheel of “Kali-yuga”.

Sunday 6 May 2012

"Active" &"Passive" phases of Life

My father had a terrible Brain stroke in January 2012 with Paralysis on his right side affecting vocal chord as well. With over seven decades of his "active" life, watching him in such state of distress is throbbing on our minds & forcing us to witness an 'unwanted" "passive" phase in his journey of Life. At one time  Doctors,too expressed  inability to console us by few "good" or even diplomatic words & we were made to believe that there is complete "dark" future in rest of life journey for my father that too with conditional allusion haunting around us always-"if survived".

Though physically in "passive" state , yet his enthusiasm, & willpower to become "active" through medication, Physio therapy ,Reiki etc are always evident in his eyes.

Our family, members of Dwivedi clan, relatives, former colleagues of father & well wishers of my family all prayed for his recovery. By God's grace he is recovering & slowly but steadily getting over the phase of fretfulness. However whenever we interacted during the course of his ordeal,fighting for recapturing a normal "active" role in the life journey, it turned out to be "role reversal" for us wherein we kept consoling & tried to boost/cheer up the confidence of father to prevent him to go into "depression".

The kind of experience we have had & my father's tribulation at the age of 72 once again proved how the path of "sinusoidal" waves is synonymous with life path of any individual,crossing through positive & negative "peaks"yet we continue to rejoice positive peaks & restrain during negative peaks with optimism to get over to regain positive peaks or in other words "Faith is the sense of life,that sense by virtue of which man does not destroy himself,but continues to live on. It is the force whereby we live." as perceived by Leo Tolstoy.

We all strongly believe & have faith in GOD that my father would continue to live on with transformation into "active" phase soon with his spirited fight for life to recuperate posiive cycle of sinusoidal wave in his life journey.