Sunday 6 May 2012

"Active" &"Passive" phases of Life

My father had a terrible Brain stroke in January 2012 with Paralysis on his right side affecting vocal chord as well. With over seven decades of his "active" life, watching him in such state of distress is throbbing on our minds & forcing us to witness an 'unwanted" "passive" phase in his journey of Life. At one time  Doctors,too expressed  inability to console us by few "good" or even diplomatic words & we were made to believe that there is complete "dark" future in rest of life journey for my father that too with conditional allusion haunting around us always-"if survived".

Though physically in "passive" state , yet his enthusiasm, & willpower to become "active" through medication, Physio therapy ,Reiki etc are always evident in his eyes.

Our family, members of Dwivedi clan, relatives, former colleagues of father & well wishers of my family all prayed for his recovery. By God's grace he is recovering & slowly but steadily getting over the phase of fretfulness. However whenever we interacted during the course of his ordeal,fighting for recapturing a normal "active" role in the life journey, it turned out to be "role reversal" for us wherein we kept consoling & tried to boost/cheer up the confidence of father to prevent him to go into "depression".

The kind of experience we have had & my father's tribulation at the age of 72 once again proved how the path of "sinusoidal" waves is synonymous with life path of any individual,crossing through positive & negative "peaks"yet we continue to rejoice positive peaks & restrain during negative peaks with optimism to get over to regain positive peaks or in other words "Faith is the sense of life,that sense by virtue of which man does not destroy himself,but continues to live on. It is the force whereby we live." as perceived by Leo Tolstoy.

We all strongly believe & have faith in GOD that my father would continue to live on with transformation into "active" phase soon with his spirited fight for life to recuperate posiive cycle of sinusoidal wave in his life journey.


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