Monday 31 December 2012

Dawn of 2013- Another year of Kali-yuga ????

Year after year, we the inhabitants on the “Holy” soil of India pray for a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, Powerful, and Prosperous New Year. Once again SUN of 2012 is about to set & we eagerly await for the Rising SUN of 2013. The poignant tragedy to the Family of the Brave Girl, who fought her battle for a LIFE in KALI-YUGA but suffered, struggled & succumbed in the last month of 2012 shattered “Humanity” on the land of all Greats of the World & made us to believe the theory of Kali-yuga, as preached by folklore. 

Reproduced are few thoughts on Kali-yuga from Vedic Knowledge online:

According to the Vedic scriptures, our current age, known as Kali-yuga, is one of spiritual darkness, violence and hypocrisy. Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.2.31) records Kali-yuga as having begun when the constellation of the seven sages (saptarsi) passed through the lunar mansion of Magha. Hindu astrologers have calculated this to have been 2:27 a.m. on February 18, 3102 BC. This took place some 36 years after Lord Krisna spoke Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna. 

It had been preached that during the 432,000 year age of Kali-yuga humanity will deteriorate and fall into barbarism. Political leadership falls into the hands of unprincipled rogues, criminals and terrorists, who use their power to exploit the people. Thieves are numerous and rapes are frequent. There are many beggars, and widespread unemployment. Merchants operate corrupt businesses.
Diseases, rats, and foul substances plague the populace. Water is lacking, fruits are scarce. Everyone uses vulgar language.  The men of Kali-yuga seek only money. 
 Only the richest have power. People without money are their slaves. The leaders of the state no longer protect the people, but plunder the citizenry through excessive taxation. Farmers abandon living close to nature. They become unskilled labourers in congested cities. Many dress in rags, or are unemployed, and sleep on the streets. Through the fault of the government, infant mortality rates are high. False gods are worshiped in false ashrams, in which pilgrimages, penances, charities and austerities are all concocted.”

After going through the above depiction of Kali-yuga, don’t we believe that we are passing through the Age of Kali-yuga only? Not the ostensible imagination of “Modern” India to be amongst “Superpower” by 2020.

We must pray to GOD for reversing the hypothesis of Kali-yuga & bestow Indian society with a Commanding & Ubiquitous Leaders  like Lord Krishna who can Rule & ruin the Rogue elements by “Complete destruction” of “Adharma” (evil). Political system in the country calls for insistent cleansing by the People power & youth revolution so that the sanctity of “Truth”, "Honesty", “Humanity” & “Justice” prevails.

May the year 2013 turn out to be a YEAR of OPTIMISM, ENTHUSIASM, AWAKENING & REVOLUTION Year for Indian society to roll back or stop the wheel of “Kali-yuga”.

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