Saturday 27 October 2018

A Personal Perspective on Education system in UP


There has been unprecedented noise across India about growth in terms of  number of technical institutions, professional colleges, skilling Institutions over the past one or two decades. In last few years, no doubt, Skill training & Institutions have taken centre stage everywhere. It looks as if Education and skilling have completely been revolutionized in the country with statistics on paper portray progressive picture for clapping & thumbs up.

The numbers of educational Institutions, Skill training centres have increased many folds in both Government as well as the private sector but the majority of these Institutions are alike “Certificate shops”.While working in small towns, villages in UP, we found there are numerous Private ITIs, Private degree colleges where parents admit their children only to get certificates by payment of Fee, there is no need to regularly attend college or Institutions. If any ITI trade has course duration of 2 years, the student might have attended not more than 2 months of class, only during Examination period. Simultaneously, a student may have completed other Bachelor degree as well by enrolling in Private degree colleges. 

Many of such Institutions are operating alike Business model to earn money. The new definition of “Good” college or “Institution”, particularly in rural areas, is emerging with the brand image of Institutions or colleges who suggest -" No Need to attend classes regularly", they take responsibility of crossing hurdle of Examination by malpractices/ cheating etc. (In Hindi- “Ghar Baithe Degree hasil kare”). The situation necessitates policymaker or Governmental machinery to go for “surgical strike” on such cluster of “Educational shops or Malls”.

The efforts plus mammoth planning & investment by Government in skilling youth with projections of statistics indicating millions of beneficiaries targeted are becoming futile in “reality”, though time to time corrective measures are taken at the highest level of governmental machinery. Another gap seems to be between the “skilling” targets & aspirants who may wish to join skill training. Still, the numbers of youth/aspirants for vocational courses or skill courses are quite less than the Governmental targets or projections, which quite often lead to duplication of numbers of beneficiaries in diverse types of skill courses despite the checks applied through Aadhar based verification.

To cleanse the messy Educational system, maybe we require multiple number of Union Education/HRD minister with Focussed area/region of country, for Example: A Minister of Education or HRD or Skilling for North India, South India, West or East or North East etc etc. These fleet of HRD/Education minister may go deep into all aspects of Education, supported by Advisors from Academia /experts of related domain - Primary, Secondary or Higher education or Technical education or skill based /vocational education & work in coordination with the respective state Government’s Ministries. Considering Population of over 200 million & area of Uttar Pradesh ( UP), perhaps two or three Union Ministers for HRD/Education is required to focus on different regions of the state. 

There is an imminent interference required to set right the methodology of operation, sincerity, integrity and restoration of discipline in Primary, Middle & higher secondary or Inter colleges in rural areas of UP to inculcate the spirit of “Hard work”, “Positivism” “Passion for education & learning”. Institutions or Colleges or Skill training providers working as “ Only for business or revenue generating models or modules" or are “ Certificate shops”,  need to be identified and stern action like closure notices to be served to such “Unprincipled” or “Ethos polluting”entities. 

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