Wednesday 11 February 2015

Developmental realities Vs Politics of Indian democracy

Ever since BJP Govt came into power, Publicity & Advertisements through tools of Social Media are in surge mode & we get excited to visit Smart cities, live in digital India, travel on Bullet train etc etc but all on virtual platform. Feel proud that our PM is doing 'Chai par Charcha" with US President, all live images on TV channels influenced many of us which follows a comfortable routine of working in a temperature controlled  comfortable office, come back to home, have dinner, watch TV or get busy on their smart phone or Pad, get thrilled on watching all  facets or attributes of glowing developments 'theoretically'.

As we  never  or hardly heard our earlier PM speaking on these modern issues, now so much  get impressed & raise our open support with  high "Feel- good" factor on  BJP's govt performance so far. But we need to realize that  all "thesis' like governance through propaganda, Corporate- kind of marketing of Governmental schemes may look quite inspiring on a screen & paper unless tested  and implemented. Many of such ambitious scheme's implementation may take years ranging from 5 to 10 years  "Visibility" of our PM has definitely increased everywhere, but practically "Development"  on fundamental issues is not quite visible, albeit, Share market is at highest mark & Corporate Giants are the main beneficiaries in terms of increased Capital worth they may be holding in their kitty.  

UP & BIHAR are the two most populous states (constitute around 30% of Country's population) but  honest efforts by BJP's Govt in these 02 states are not visible in  last 9 month period. Before jumping to create "Smart city", there is a need to improve infrastructure on the ground to transform them first  as "Basic city". Indian Villages in majority areas have been  known to be poorly equipped in terms of Electricity, Road, Medical services, Education etc. However, now barring few capital cities of north India, most of the "Cities' should be ashamed of the tag of "City" instead to be looked like "Cluster of villages".

For sure with my 4 years stint at  Kanpur city ( once known as "Manchester of East") which repays the highest revenue to State Govt exchequer & perhaps in top 25-30 cities of country in income generation for Government & contributing  to GDP of our country, one can feel the pinch of extremely poor infrastructure. A Chinese guest to our place travelled with me on Kanpur Roads & commented back to me that in China too, 20 years back such type of roads were there i.e Whether interpretation is that we are 20 years behind  China ? Yes it is definitely true despite of "Self proclaim" parity with China by our Politicians.  

Once any State or Central elections are over, City's representatives ( MLA or MP) are visible on Newspapers only, no field work ,only blame game on each other ( State Vs Central Govt). In UP, except Lucknow, you go to any city like Allahabad or Jhansi , Gorakhpur or VIP city of Varanasi, ground situation has not at all changed. Now "Heat" of Summer season & Electricity crisis in cities of UP & Bihar are going to be faced by general public, if anyone State or Central Govt can truthfully  work for people then prime agenda  should be to develop "Basic" cities & towns with  24 hours electricity, Water, Hospitals for poor & economically weaker section, Roads free with potholes, motor-able.

In  extreme winter of Kanpur in December & January  of 2014/15, many politicians were busy in "Clean India" campaign, none of them felt the need to shift shelter less shivering people, family and children to a better home to protect them from chilly wind & weather, Rather many business houses of Kanpur were responsive in arranging the "Homes' for Homeless & providing blankets, woolen clothes etc to needy families. 

Result  of Progressive or developmental Plans should be perceptible to common man, Now time has come for the BJP led Central Govt to introspect & "AAP" victory in Delhi is a wake up call. Now they have to exert ,sweat & come to the field for ground work  in  district to district, spread across the vast demographic areas of underdeveloped India before putting forth a fairly advanced 'Digital India" or Rosy pictures in Social media, Hype through good oratory may not last long, well proved in Delhi election ( diya tale andhera). 

Around 300 BC, Chanakya said  about democracy" People's fury is above all furies" Another quote of Chankya is befitting in present context -The man who is praised by others is regarded as worthy though he may be really void of all merit. But the man who sings his own praises becomes disgraced though he should be Indra, the possessor of all excellencies. 

1 comment:

  1. A very simple article, free of literary jargon and big words but conveys the point of a common citizen of india that much more is required before we move on to larger aspirations of smart cities and bullet trains. Vision is all very well but we need to set our priorities right.
