Saturday 30 April 2011

Monarchy still exists!!

"Mad" media attention towards Royal wedding in UK, "Idiocy"&"Craziness"of people to peep through marriage of Prince & Kate proved that the World order still has not changed. Exhorbitant expenditure in the wedding reminds how our olden age Kings/Sultans used to enjoy life, spend money lavishly being the rulers. Whether is there any difference in the status of Kings/Sultans/Nawabs in the modern democratic age?

In India, though Democracy exists but one may feel, now Monarchs are elected by people in a democratic process, who loot & enjoy public exchequer in the similar manner as Kings/Nawabs did earlier. Democratically elected Kings/Queens/Nawabs in Indian perspectives were/are Lalu Yadav (Raja of magadh),Mulayam Singh ( Awadh nawab), Mayawati ( present Queen of Awadh), M Karunanidhi ( King of Dravid pradesh), amma Jayalalitha ( Queen of Dravid Pradesh), Yedurrappa ( maharaja of mysore), Deshmukh/Ashok Chavhan/ ( Maratha naresh) etc etc...

A Raja, Alagiri, Prafulla Patel, Murli Devra, D Maran, Sharad Pawar etc... (equivalent to a Ministers in Mughal empire) are alike Mantris of Mughal darbar. Manmohan looks week Samrat like Bahadur Shah Jafar.

The above Synonymy of our Democratic leaders ( princely states & week Central kingdom) is dangerous for Indian democracy. We do'nt need  Monarchy of olden divided India but we need democratic form of Monarchy alike Samrat Chandragupta or Ashoka & good Advisor alike Chanakya.

Friday 29 April 2011

rajeev waves: Corruption for "common people" in India- Boon or B...

rajeev waves: Corruption for "common people" in India- Boon or B...: "Corruption for ' common people' is a useful tool available in India for hassle-free train journey without reservation or smooth Car drive ..."

Thursday 28 April 2011

Corruption for "common people" in India- Boon or Bane??

Corruption for "common people' is a useful tool available in India for hassle-free train journey without reservation or smooth Car drive without "valid' license or to enter into property /land deal through "facilitating" agents or to get "VIP" caring treatment in any "good" Hospital & even to get entry to Medical or Engineering Colleges through "Management" quota. Idealistic view may classify all these under "bad" practices of Corruption. But on a realistic sense, India is a country where in "emergency situation" any commonner can travel in an AC or any coach without having a valid ticket by paying a "facilitation" fee (one may call it BRIBE), no fear in driving a car without License( afterall facility is available to pay to traffic police,if caught)till License is managed through RTO agents. One of my friend is having Driving License but he does not know driving ( becoz..Mera Bharat Mahan) Beyond common people DGCA officials can help you in getting Pilot License as well (that is corruption in high places).

Many renowned private Medical colleges & Engineering colleges have excellent provision to admit students of "Rich" common people through backdoor by paying a hasty sum in "cash",there are so called "counsellers" ( or Agent) available across country.Hence,no worry for Rich class of common people or such commoners who is ready to spend by availing Educational loan from Banks,even if their Sons/daughters are unable to clear any competitive exam.(a boon for EDUCATION??).

Any common people would be happy to buy a peace of land or a small residential flat, house for which "naturally" they have to go to the Registry office through Agent or Property Broker who will make one's life very easy & simpler by getting all complex procedural formalities done quickly by "Open" payment of facilitation fees at different desks,its very common & acceptable to all. No worry for common public.

Whether all above examples of "corruption" are to be taken as good "facility" for Aam Janta or not??? Aam Janta will not be able to get things done in thier complete life,had they not availed all such Provisions of facilitation,we may call it bribe or corruption in Routine.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Manmohanomics-New theory of Economics under "coalition dharma"

Indians may remember Pt. Sukhram, the then Telecom Minister who was guilty of having hard cash of 3-4 crores in his home. It was a "big' corruption story. But today growth of country surpassed one's imagination & we talk about scams of lakhs of crores, thousands of crores, Bribe of 200-300 crores seems not to be too "big". Reason is- India progressed following "manmohanomics"in all field,Whether it is corruption or price rise or cost of Commonwealth games in India ( had the amount spent for organizing games would have allocated for providing shelters to homeless in metrocities, it would have changed lives of millions of BPL families in India). In midst of all these developments, Hon'ble PM addressed Press to explain what could be termed as "Manmohanomics",wherein any economic growth ( no doubt, increase in the quantum of money in Swiss Bank or 2G "loot" or CWG "gang loot") is attributed to following the principles of "coalition dharma". Watching press conference,it looked all media "elites" also made it a point to attend PM's brief not for asking queries but surprisingly it looked as if they all were there to impress upon PM by flattering quotes ( in decent outfit as well alike company Executives) & pretending to be questioning PM on "relevant" issues in most "non relevant" manner. One of my friend linked to Media told that they have to run their channels as SBUs ( strategic business units),hence they can't take much risk in annoying Ruling party. Finally ,moral is all follow "manmohanomics" due to some kind of Coalition or Compulsion dharma. Sometimes, I feel India needs another "Chanakya" to cleanse the entire Constitutional structure of the country in true "democratic" way.

rajeev waves: Profession & Emotion-any link in politics???

rajeev waves: Profession & Emotion-any link in politics???: "A Raja was the loyal soldier of DMK party,but when booked & charged under 2G, Karunanidhi ,the Mentor gave statement that if found guilty,he..."

Profession & Emotion-any link in politics???

A Raja was the loyal soldier of DMK party,but when booked & charged under 2G, Karunanidhi ,the Mentor gave statement that if found guilty,he would be removed from Party. Now when his daughter-Kanimozhi face similar charges, Karuna becme "emotional" to fight her case legally- Official statement of DMK. Poor Raja is not in the Karuna's clan,suffering because of "excessive" loyality.

Moral of the story is there will always be "emotion" in any "profession",wheteher its Politics or DGCA officials getting "trained" their sons/daughter as Pilots.

Mulayam may kickout Loyal Amar Singh from his party in "professional" way but his brother & son in the party will always be professionally working in the Party due to "emotion".