Friday 20 May 2011

rajeev waves: Relations through virtue of Virtual World

rajeev waves: Relations through virtue of Virtual World: "When there was no Mobile or 'digital'connectivity in 80s,we used to spend time in listening BBC, Vividhbharti ( not FM) on Radio & make 'Pe..."

Relations through virtue of Virtual World

When there was no Mobile or "digital"connectivity in 80s,we used to spend time in listening BBC, Vividhbharti ( not FM) on Radio &  make 'Pen friends" by writing impressive letters. Inlands,Post cards used to be in good demand for participating in such Radio programmes and getting connected to friends,relatives ( even foe). I remember how we used to practice for a very good "Handwriting" & oeuvre of sentences in English or Hindi to impress upon "Pen friends". Scenario completely changed with the advent of Handphone or mobile & origination of IT era. I wonder,if Inland letters, Post Cards of Post Offices are still in demand. But,there is upsurge of fastest mode of connectivity & communication through social networking sites like Facebook,Orkut, Skype, Linkedin & so on.

The amaging "Virtual" world made it possible to have linkages of all personal ,professional relations & emotions in few "clicks" of keypads & we all feel alike sitting across "next door". Many a college/school friends are "explorable" & we get connected through them through a clack on a keyboard. Complementing & consoling, sharing joy & sorrow of  each other are great facets of "virtual" connectivity. Positive attributes of Social Networking sites are definitely emerging as key for consolidating or reviving the lost  alliance or association in the competitive & fast paced life (in "aapa dhapi").

Surely,nuance of the thought is " Virtual World" helped us in maintaining our Real World or relations as  'Live" & "Happy-go -Lucky".

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Modern youth feel like parent of their parents

A comparison of  young children & parents relationship of Indian middle class households in 80s or early 90s and today are the classical examples of Societal changes.

2-3 decades before Indian youth has only to Obey parents, act & decide as per their will & wish right from education to selecting Profession to enter into family life by arranged mode of marriages. Parents commanded "real" authority to decide fate,future of their Brood.

Modern age scenario changed with liberal & "soft" parents allowing free expression of thoughts, "obeying" young children's decision to choose type of Education, Profession & even their life partner.

Sometimes it seems Parents have become speechless Spectators before modern age youth,which feels more confident to take decision for his/her life in IT era. Whether these changes are signs of "Society Development" or "Obliteration of traditional Indian ethos" in the name of progressive or modern society. In North America & Europe ,instances have been noticed in which a young son or daughter complained to police about their parents of being Spiteful & Police had to take action against Parents.

The Question is- Whether Modern youth feels like decision maker above their Creators by following "3 Idiots",or understands the "threshold" limit of any conduct because "Children can not become parent of their parents".

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Ek tha Osama aur doosra Obama

"Obama watched complete live coverage of Osama killing operation"-A good headline for the print & electronic media. "Ek" Osama killed thousands of people in the name of "jehad",the other Obama & previous Obama ( Bush) felt happy in so called "Society cleansing" operation by killing thousands in Iraq,Afganistan, Libya etc etc.. The difference is Osama got self styled license for killing humans,but Obama got license from UN to kill "terrorist", who ,too are distracted humans of the Society, anywhere in the world,irrespective of
Sovereignty of the country. Technically, Osama did the same job on his own by deploying his "army" across world & now Obama led US army operation is same in Libya or Iraq or Afganistan. But, if India does similar agression to "cleanse" its border near LoC in Pak, it would be against International convention, US spokesperson would immediately react.

Moral of the story is US is World's "dada" ( alike mohalla ( street/ward) bosses in India) & no body can teach them moral, because whatever they do,that is within "law',but if same act is practiced by other country, Whitehouse will take no time in preaching Morality, Human rights, UN convention-------------